Platinum Jubilee 2022
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in Oundle
The celebration weekend will be made up of 3 main elements which are summarised below with links to the individual What’s On event pages which contain all the details and latest info.
Jubilee Sports Day
Friday – All Day at Various Sport Clubs
A day to get involved and take part in sporting activity and competition at some of Oundle’s top sporting venues to include: Netball, a Swimming Gala, Basketball, Cricket, Bowls, Tennis, Football and Running.
Jubilee Dancing in The Streets
Saturday 10am to 2.30pm in the Town Centre
The central streets of Oundle will be closed off and packed with a small Market with food and other stalls, Fun Fair, Steam Train, Vintage Car Show and 3 Sound Stages playing music for a variety of tastes. There’ll be loads of Union Jack waving Family Fun!
Platinum Fun in the Field
Saturday from 3pm at Fletton Field
At Fletton Field: Food, Stalls, Live Music and Bands on Oundle’s ‘Jubilee Stage’, and then a Live ‘big screen’ broadcast of the Queen’s Platinum Party at the Palace into the night. A fun packed afternoon/evening for all to enjoy. Free Event but Tickets Required online or from Creative Oundle’s Box Office.