Tuesday Tots

Tuesday Tots

Tuesday Tots What: Weekly drop in session for babies, toddlers & pre-schoolers and their parents and carers When:  9.30 and 11.30am term time Tuesdays. Where: Joan Strong Centre, East Road, Oundle, PE8 4BY Cost: Free More info: Contact Carita, our Children &...
Engage Youth Club

Engage Youth Club

Who: For local young people, in Year 7 -Year 11. Games. Tuck shop. When: 7-9pm First and third Friday of the month including school holidays – EXCEPT AUGUST. Where: Oundle Methodist Church, Drummingwell Lane, Oundle, PE8 4AA Cost: This is a free event but bring money...
The Great Jigsaw Puzzle Exchange

The Great Jigsaw Puzzle Exchange

The Great Jigsaw Puzzle Exchange Monday 4 March No 1 St Osyths Lane, Oundle from 1.30pm   Enjoy jigsaws? Fancy trying a new one? Bring along one of yours and swap it for another. Work on a puzzle and enjoy a cuppa and a chat with other jigsaw enthusiasts.    No...
Tuesday Tots

Tuesday Tots

Tuesday Tots Term time Tuesdays, from 9.30-11.30am.  Joan Strong Centre, East Road,  Oundle, PE8 4BY. Free. Friendly, welcoming group for all pre-schoolers and their carers. Great selection of toys and books.  Lots of space to play.  Chat to our helpful team and with...
The Bereavement Journey

The Bereavement Journey

The Bereavement Journey Starts Wednesday 31 January 2024, 7-9.30pm, for 7 weeks Event by Oundle Baptist Church & St Peter’s Oundle held at St Peters Oundle The Bereavement Journey is a series of films and discussion groups, run over 7 sessions, that gently...